Wednesday, January 12

Facts about Butterflies


Butterfly Facts

It is so delightful to watch these unique, very beautiful, and colorful insects!! Did you know that butterflies have two compound and single chambered eyes, and these eyes sit on each side of its head? Did you know that the butterfly’s eyes have up to 12,000 lenses in each eye? Butterflies can see in many different directions at the same time because of their 12,000 compound eyes. They can also focus on one object too because of the single chambered eyes. A butterfly can see almost approximately 315 degrees around itself!! A butterfly can see its own beautiful wings!! They have good eyesight!! How cool is that?


What is your favorite type of butterfly?

Get your free printable butterfly coloring sheet here:

Butterfly coloring sheet


Facts about butterflies:

1. Not all caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies. In fact, some caterpillars turn into moths. There are four stages a caterpillar goes through in order to morph into a butterfly or moth. Those four stages are: the egg, larva, pupa, and the adult.

2. There are about 17,000 species of butterflies in the world. The Palos Verdes blue butterfly is the rarest butterfly. The most common butterfly is the Painted Lady butterfly. These butterflies are beautiful!!

3. The Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly is the smallest butterfly in the world. It has a wingspan of about ¼ to ½ inch. The biggest butterfly in the world is the Queen Alexandra's Birdwing. It has a wingspan of about 11 inches.

4. Butterflies have four wings and their wings are transparent. The two wings close to its head are called forewings and the other two wings are called hindwings. Their wings are covered by thousands of very tiny scales. Butterfly wings are made from a protein called chitin. Butterflies have six legs and they use their legs to taste nectar. The three main body parts of the butterfly are the head, thorax, and abdomen. 

5. There is a butterfly called the Glasswing butterfly. The Glasswing butterfly uses its transparent wings to hide from predators in plain sight. Glasswing butterflies are beautiful. They have a lifespan of between 6 to 12 weeks. Some butterfly species only live for 24 hours and other butterfly species can live up to thirteen (13) months.

6. Most butterflies are herbivores and only eat nectar and water. They get their food/nectar from plants and colorful flowers.

7. A group of butterflies are referred to as a flutter, swarm, or a kaleidoscope of butterflies!


Can you share a fact about butterflies with us?


Books about butterflies:

1. Flight of the Butterflies by Roberta Edwards

2. The Little Guide to Butterflies by Tom Frost

3. National Geographic Readers: Flutter, Butterfly! by Shelby Alinsky

4. Butterflies and Moths: Explore Nature with Fun Facts by DK

Parents/caretakers make sure books are child friendly before reading them to your child/children.


Thank you for reading my post!

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