Tuesday, May 10

Facts about Bumblebee Bats

Bumblebee Bat Facts

Have ever heard about the Bumblebee bat, also known as the Kitti’s hog-nosed bat? They are very tiny bats. They are cute, but do not ever approach one. The Bumblebee bat can grow to about 1.3 inches long. The Bumblebee bat can weigh up to about 2 grams. The Bumblebee bat is the smallest of the bat species. It is about the size of a large bumblebee. The bumblebee bat is also one of the world’s smallest mammals.

Do you have bats in the state you reside in?


Facts about Bumblebee bats:

1. Bumblebee bats are on the endangered species list. There is about 2000 or less of the Bumblebee bats left in the world. That number does not include the Myanmar or the Thailand population of the Bumblebee bats. The Myanmar and Thailand Bumblebee bats are legally protected.

2. The Bumblebee bat can live up to about 10 years or less.

3. The Bumblebee bats are omnivores. They eat mostly insects and spiders. They catch their food by using echolocation. Echolocation is being able to locate insects/objects by using soundwaves that send back echoes that let them know where the insects/objects are.

4. Bumblebee bats are nocturnal. They do most of their insects hunting during the night/dusk hours. They like to fly around the tops of bamboo to catch their insects/food to eat.

5. Bumblebee bats live in groups inside of limestone caves that are near water. A group of Bumblebee bats are called a colony. A baby Bumblebee bat is called a pup.


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 Bumblebee Bat coloring sheet

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Books about Bumblebee bats and bats:

1. Hello, Bumblebee Bat by Darrin Lunde

2. Baby Bumblebee Bat Book by Elizabeth Kesler

3. Bat Basics: by Karen Krebbs

4. Bumblebee Bats by Jill C. Wheeler

Parents/caretakers be sure books are child friendly before reading them to your child/children.



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Mimi is the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series.


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