Sunday, October 10

Facts about the Sun

Sun Facts

Did you know that the sun is the closet star to our planet? Yes, our sun is a star!! That is why we are able to see it so big and bright!!

Here are some facts about the sun:

1.  The sun is a star.

2.  The sun is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium.

3.  The earth orbits around the sun.

4.  The sun is over 92 million miles away from the earth.

5.  Ancient Greeks named the sun Helios.

6.  The sun is bigger than earth.

7.  Scientist say that the sun is almost a perfect circle.

8.  A little over 1 million earths could fit inside the sun.

9.  You need the sun to sustain life.

10. The sun can improve your immune system, reduce stress, improve your sleep quality, and the sun has many other benefits. Isn’t our sun amazing?

Share a sun fact or benefit with us??


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