Thursday, December 2

Facts about the Nene Goose

May your day be full of learning, 

thankfulness, love, and kindness!

We are on letter Nn of the gratitude alphabet! N is for Nene. What are you thankful for that begins with the letter N?

The Nene also known as the Hawaiian goose is a species of bird that lives in Hawaii. The Nene is Hawaii’s official state bird. The Nene is one of the rarest geese in the world. They are not migratory. They do not fly from island to island. They usually stay within the boundaries of the island where they live.


Facts about the Nene:

1. Nene is pronounced nay-nay. The scientific name of the Nene is Branta Sandvicensis.

2. The Nene has a very soft moo sound similar to a cow’s moo but softer. They honk when flying through the air. They Nene is a very chatty kind of goose and when they are all together you can hear them making all kinds of different noises when communicating with each other.

3. The Nene is an herbivore, and it eats flowers, grasses, leaves, seeds, and berries. If you are ever in Hawaii, please don’t feed or touch the Nene because it is illegal to do so. The Ohelo berries are one of the Nene’s favorite berries to eat.

4. The Nene is considered a waterfowl, but they rarely ever swim in open waters. If there is a spring, pond, lake, or pool by its nest it will take a swim in it.  

5. The Nene is a medium sized goose and can get as tall as 16 inches and weigh up to 6.5 pounds. The average length of the Nene is between 20-25 inches.

6. You can find the Nene geese in shrublands, pastures, grasslands, active lava areas, and coastal areas.

7. They build their nests in hollows on the ground, and it is usually hidden by the grass or other vegetation. They lay around 2 to 5 eggs at a time and the eggs usually hatch 30 days after being laid.

8. A group of Nene are called geese, blizzard, chevron, or plump.

Can you share a fact about the Nene Goose with us?

Get your Nene coloring/worksheet here:

N is for Nene 

Books about Hawaii:

1. The Mystery in Hawaii: The 50th State by Carole Marsh

2. Hawaii's Animals and Wildlife by H. Douglas Pratt

3. My First Hawaiian 200 Picture Word Book by Gerard Aflague

4. Fascinating Facts About Hawaii by Jim Loomis

Parents be sure books are child friendly before reading them to your child/children.


You can get your parent's permission to google the 
Nene Goose and see how beautiful they are!

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