Tuesday, October 11

Facts about Candy Corn

Candy Corn

Have you ever eaten or seen candy corn before? Candy corn is a triangle-shaped candy that usually has three colors: white, orange, and yellow. The white color is on the tip. The orange color is in the center. The yellow color is on the bottom. The colors represent corn on the cob or the colors of fall. The candy is similar to a piece (kernel) of corn. Did you know that Candy corn was made in the 1880’s? Read on to find out more cool quick facts about candy corn.


What is your favorite type of candy?


With your parent/caretaker’s permission, you can click on the link below to see some pictures of vintage/antique/old ads about candy corn:


Candy Corn

Quick facts about Candy corn:

1. George Renninger is said to have invented Candy corn in the 1880’s. He worked for the Philip Wunderle Candy Company as a candy maker.

2. In the 1890s another company called Goelitz Confectionery Company started making and selling Candy corn. The Goelitz Confectionery Company is the reason that Candy corn is so popular. They started selling Candy corn under the name Chicken Feed.

3. The Goelitz Confectionery Company is now called the Jelly Belly Candy Company.

4. Candy corn was made by hand when it first started selling because there were no machines in the 1880s to make it.

5. Candy corn is a fall/autumn candy. It is said to be a Halloween favorite. Some candy companies make different colored candy corn for various holidays throughout the year. 

6. About 35 million pounds of Candy corn is sold each year. That is a lot of candy corn (chicken feed)!

7. Candy corn has been around for over one hundred and thirty (130) years.

8. October 30th is National Candy Corn Day!



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Get your free printable Candy corn coloring sheet here:

 Candy corn worksheet

Candy Corn worksheet

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Books about Candy corn:

1. Look! It's the Candycorn by Danielle McLean

2. The Candy Corn Cookbook by Laura Sommers

3. Count Candy Corn by Ruth L. Brügger

4. Kitten in the Candy Corn by Ben M. Baglio

Parents/caretakers be sure books are child friendly before reading them to your child/children.


Short story alert:

Once upon a time, there was a kid who really loved to eat candy corn. The kid loved to trick or treat because he knew he would get his favorite candy corn to eat. He loved candy corn so much that he decided to dress up as a piece of candy corn for Halloween. On Halloween night his parents took him door to door to trick or treat. At each door, he would ask for candy corn. When he and his parents were finally done trick or treating, the kid had so much candy corn. He had to wait to eat some until his parents checked every piece of candy to make sure it was safe for their kid to eat. By the time his parents were finished checking the candy, the kid was sound asleep. When he awoke the next day, he was so happy and excited because he finally got to eat some of that candy corn. THE END.

Thank you for reading my post!!The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” -Dr. Seuss

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  1. Replies
    1. It seems as though you like candy corn! Thank you for reading.

  2. I like this story. It’s so cute. I can see that happening


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