Tuesday, August 31

Magic is in the air


Happy Think About It Tuesday!! Joey wants to know if you could choose any pet, what would you pick? And what would your pet look like? Would it have magical powers? Could it fly way up high in the clouds? Would it take you on a magical ride on a rainbow? Would you be able to walk in the clouds? Wouldn't it be nice if the clouds were all the colors of the rainbow? 

Joey says he would love to have a pet Giraffe with a unicorn horn, and it would be green with blue dots! He would name it Radical Raffie the long neck Giraffie!! Just imagine Joey and all his friends flying with Raffie up in the clouds on a nice sunny day! 

Oh, the things your mind can dream up!! It's great to get your mind thinking! You can think up all kinds of stuff! Your mind is significant when you feed it with good thoughts and magical wishes.



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I'm Mimi, the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series. I love reading, writing, teaching, and learning. 

Monday, August 30

Molecules and Atoms

Facts about Matter


YOU DEFINITELY MATTER!! Don't ever let anyone tell you that you don't!! You are a very important part of this universe!! 

Did you know we are matter? We are made up of molecules, atoms, and cells. If an object takes up space it is matter. So, we humans take up space, making us matter.

Facts about Matter:

Definition of Matter:
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Everything around us, including Earth, stars, and planets, is made of matter.
States of Matter:
Matter can exist in three primary states:
  • Solid: Has a definite shape and volume.
  • Liquid: Takes the shape of its container but has a definite volume.
  • Gas: Has neither a definite shape nor volume.
Composition of Matter:
Matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms and molecules. These particles combine to form various substances.
All matter shares the fundamental property of inertia. Inertia prevents a material body from responding instantaneously to changes in its state of rest or motion.

Remember, whether it’s the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the ground beneath our feet, the matter is all around us and dramatically shapes our world!

Joey says... My book JOEY SAVES THE DAY! AT DAYCARE is made up of matter, too, and he wishes it could take up some space on your bookshelf!!

Check out my educational post about AIR.

Thursday, August 26

A is for Air

Air Facts 

Each week on Thankful Thursday, we will work with a new letter from the alphabet. This week, we will share something we are thankful for that starts with the letter Aa.

It feels great to be grateful! And what an excellent way to start your day by practicing gratitudeComment with something you are thankful for that begins with the letter Aa.

Joey is grateful for Air. I'm thankful for ALL of you!!

Here is a list of words that start with the letter a:
  • airplane
  • arrow
  • automobile 
  • architect
  • alien
  • amazing
  • automatic
  • aroma
  • artist
  • also

Can you put the words in alphabetical order?

Facts about air:

Air is a mixture of gases: 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, with some traces of argon, carbon dioxide, neon, and hydrogen.
In addition to gases, air contains tiny particles called aerosols, such as dust, pollen, soot, and smoke, which contribute greatly to air pollution.
Essential for Life: 
Air is needed and vital for respiration, a process where living things take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, providing us with energy to eat, grow, and live.
Carbon Dioxide: 
This gas is crucial for photosynthesis, where plants make food and oxygen, but high levels from burning fossil fuels contribute to global warming.
Relative humidity measures the amount of water air can hold before it rains, with 100% humidity indicating rain is imminent.
Air Pressure: 
The weight of air creates atmospheric pressure, which is higher at sea level and lower at high altitudes. This pressure affects our ears during elevation changes.
Protective Layer: 
Earth’s atmosphere, which is filled with air, acts as insulation to maintain temperature and contains ozone, which shields us from too much sunlight.
Meteoroid Shield: 
The air in our atmosphere protects us by causing meteoroids to burn up before reaching the Earth’s surface.
Microbial Life: 
The air hosts bioaerosols, tiny microbial organisms that can travel long distances through wind, rain, or sneeze.
Air Quality Index (AQI): 
AQI measures air pollution levels, with values over 300 representing hazardous conditions.

Next week, we will be grateful for things that start with the letter B.

Read facts about ketchup.

Wednesday, August 25

Facts about ketchup

Ketchup Facts


Did you know that ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine?

1. In 1834, a physician in Ohio named John Cook sold ketchup as a cure for an unsettled stomach and many other ailments. It was even sold in pill form. It would be fantastic if ketchup were a magic cure, but we know it's not! 

Monday, August 23

North and South Pole Magnet

🧲Magnetic Attraction🧲

Did you know that magnets have a North and a South Pole?

Magnets are fascinating objects with a north pole and a south pole. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of magnetism:

Wednesday, August 18

Help Find Joey

 Joey is Hiding!


I need your help!! Joey is hiding. Look for Joey everywhere on my webpage. He is hiding out on this webpage somewhere. If you find him first, you will win a prize! The first person to email me and comment on the post where you found Joey with "I FOUND JOEY" wins a prize. You have to tell me where you found him! Joey could be anywhere on the site so look everywhere for him. 

If you are the first person to find Joey, you will need to provide your email address that way I can get in contact with you to make arrangements for shipping your prize to you. You have 48 hours to claim the prize, or I will move on to the next person who emails me and comments with "I FOUND JOEY". Good Luck! 

I only ship to the U.S. at this time.  

He will look like this but only much smaller!!

Thank you for reading my post!! "Don't have a good day; have a GREAT day!" -Free Guy the movie.




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I'm Mimi, the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series. I love reading, writing, teaching, and learning. I homeschool my two youngest children. 

Facts about the Tittle

Tittle Facts

Do you know what a Tittle is?

Ever wondered about the origin of the word tittle? Today, this term is rarely used. But did you know that the tiny dot above the lowercase j and i has an actual name? It's called a tittle or superscript. Fascinating, isn't it?

Read on...

Tuesday, August 17

The Importance of Laughing

Importance of Laughing

Happy Tickle Me Tuesday!! Tell us a funny joke or something in the comment section that will make us laugh!

Did you know that laughing is good for you? Yes, laughter can help keep you healthy, states the Mayo Clinic. Research has found that laughter has benefits such as increasing oxygen to your heart, muscles, and lungs. Laughter can also increase endorphins released by your brain, which can improve your mood. So be happy and laugh often!! 

Here is a joke to help you laugh...
Did you hear the joke about the roof? Never mind, it's over your head!

Did you know laughter is a natural and powerful way to improve well-being? 

Here are some reasons why laughter is so good for you:

  • Laughter can reduce your stress levels. 
  • Laughter can lower your blood pressure, help relax your muscles, and release those feel-good endorphins. 
  • Laughter can also help you cope better with difficult situations and emotions.
  • Laughter can boost your immune system. 
  • Laughter can also increase your production of antibodies and immune cells, which can fight infections and diseases. 
  • Laughter can also decrease your cortisol levels and other pesky stress hormones, weakening your immunity.
  • Laughter can also enhance your mood. 
  • Laughter can make you feel much happier, more optimistic, and more confident. 
  • Laughter can also lessen your anxiety, depression, and loneliness. 
  • Laughter can also increase your sense of humor and enjoyment.
  • Laughter can improve your relationships. It is fun to laugh with others.
  • Laughter can strengthen your bonds with your family, friends, and co-workers. Laughter can also help you to be able to communicate better, resolve conflicts, and build trust. 
  • Laughter can attract new people to your world and make you more likable and friendly.
  • Laughter can also stimulate your brain and improve memory, learning, and creativity. 

So, as you can see, laughter is a great way to help you live a healthier and happier life. So, find something that makes you laugh and enjoy all those benefits. You’ll be so glad that you did!

Monday, August 16

Teach your child to read

Teach your child to read!!

Reading is a beautiful activity that can benefit your child in many ways.

Here are some reasons why reading is so good for your child:

Sunday, August 15

Review of my book JOEY SAVES THE DAY!


I am so thrilled that my beautiful niece Delilah, who just happens to be a character in my new book, LOVES IT!! That makes my heart so happy!

The following words are from a post-Delilah's Mommy wrote on Facebook......

A review from Destiny Katelynn:

"Safe to say “Joey Saves the Day at daycare” is Delilah’s new favorite book. She has already gotten her daddy to read it to her so many times. She is so happy to be one of the characters!!
This is a perfect book for little kids and a great read.
Lilah pointed to one of the pictures and said, “look mommy, she’s sad” and I asked her why? She tells me “Because she wants mommy”.
My aunt is the author of this book, and my 14-year-old cousin is the illustrator! I love how everything turned out. Make sure to get your copy now!"


Saturday, August 14

Brownie In A Mug


Happy Sharing Saturday! Joey wants to share this kiss brownie recipe in a mug with you guys. It's a quick, easy, and tasty treat—probably not the healthiest, but it's a treat! You cook it in the microwave.

We're all about sharing the love for food here! Do you have a delicious, easy recipe YOU'D share with us? We'd love to hear from you, so don't hesitate to leave it in the comments below! 

3 Tablespoons of flour
3 Tablespoons of sugar
1 1/2 Tablespoons of cocoa powder
A Dash of salt
1 1/2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil or butter
3 tablespoons of milk
1/2 teaspoon or less of vanilla extract
2 Hershey kisses


Wednesday, August 11

Weird and wacky Mail Postage 1913

 Weird & Wacky 

Here is a weird and wacky fact for you!

Did you know that in 1913, it was legal for someone to mail their children through the mail? I never knew this either! It was a rare occurrence. All they did was attach stamps to their children's clothing. The children rode on trains to where they were being mailed and were accompanied by mail carriers. 

Information was found in a newspaper, and it reported that it cost just 53 cents for parents to mail their child to their grandparents for a visit. As people read the news stories and photographs that were being seen around the country, it did not take long to get a law passed making it illegal to send children through the mail. 

Things sure have changed!

Friday, August 6

Game night with your children

 Happy Friday!!

It's Friday Night Fun for Families

If you have a date night with your spouse or friend tonight, why not do something fun with the kids before you go out.

You could play a quick board or card game with them.
Board Games: Candy Land, the Game of Life, Snakes and Ladders, Checkers, Connect Four, Bingo, and many other board games.
Card Games: Go Fish, Uno, Rummy, Crazy Eights, and many more.

Read to them.

Clifford, The Big Red Dog
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Sing or dance with them.
There are endless possibilities!

Make the most of your time with your child, children, or grandchild. Let them know how much you love them. Have a fabulous Friday, and if you have a date night tonight, relax and enjoy your time!!

Thursday, August 5

Things to be thankful for

 What are you Thankful for?

Being thankful means showing gratitude for something. You can be grateful for many things.

Some things to be thankful for are:

Your Parents
Your family and friends
A house you live in
Food you eat
Your health
Watching T.V.

Anything you appreciate or have enjoyed, you should show thankfulness for.

Joey says he is thankful for teddy bears and good books!!

Remember to say thank you when someone does something nice for you, like holding a door open for you. If someone gives you flowers, say Thank you! If someone cooks you a meal, say Thank You! If someone picks up your toys, say thank you! If someone folds your clothes and puts them away, say thank you!

Being Thankful is a good character trait to have!! Always have a kind, thankful heart.


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I'm Mimi, the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series. I love reading, writing, teaching, and learning. I homeschool my two youngest children. 

Wednesday, August 4

My Inspiration

💙Joey and Delilah💜

My grandson and niece. Two absolutely adorable children. These two cuties are what gave me the inspiration to write JOEY SAVES THE DAY! AT DAYCARE

Joey and Delilah are characters in the first book! It is going to be a series of books. Joey will be the main character. In each book, he will help and show kindness to a new character.

I can't wait to share the next book in the series with you! It is in the works now, and I'm so excited!


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I'm Mimi, the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series. I love reading, writing, teaching, and learning. I homeschool my two youngest children. 

Alaskan Malamute Facts

  Facts About the Alaskan Malamute All about the Alaskan Malamute The Alaskan Malamute is a magnificent working dog with a rich history. I...