Monday, November 1

Facts about monkeys

Monkey Facts

Let me share some amazing facts about Monkeys with you!! Did you know that Monkeys come from the primate family? Humans also come from the primate family. Most monkeys come from the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, Africa, and Asia. Monkeys are highly intelligent. They can learn how to count and even do simple math problems! How cool is that?


Facts about Monkeys:

1. Monkeys have a unique set of fingerprints just like humans.

2. A group or herd of monkeys are called a troop or a barrel of monkeys.

3. A baby monkey is called an infant.

4. Monkeys are mammals.

5. There are over 250 different types of monkeys in the world.

6. Some species of monkeys can swim.

7. The Pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world.

8. Monkeys are omnivores. They eat meat and plants.

Can you share a fact about monkeys with us?


Books about monkeys:

1. Fourteen Monkeys: A Rain Forest Rhyme by Melissa Stewart

2. Mad About Monkeys by Owen Davey

3. You Can Be a Primatologist: by Jill Pruetz

4. National Geographic Readers: Monkeys by Anne Schreiber

Parents, please make sure books are child friendly before reading them to your child/children



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