Monday, January 10

Facts about parrots

Parrot Facts

Parrots are very cool birds, but do not ever stick your fingers in a parrot’s cage or near their beaks. They have very sharp beaks! Did you know there are over 10,000 species of birds in the world? Parrots are in the bird family and there are around 350 species of parrots. Parrots come from the Psittacidae family. Parrots are very intelligent and social birds. You can teach them how to talk!! How cool is that? Joey’s favorite type of parrot is the Scarlet Macaw. They have some of the rainbow colors on their feathers!! They are bright and beautiful birds!!


What is your favorite type of bird?


Facts about parrots:

1. The Hyacinth Macaws are the largest type of parrot. They can get up to 3 feet long from tip of their tail to top of their head. They can weigh around 2 to 3 1/2 pounds. Their feathers are blue. They can live up to 60 years or longer in captivity. They are beautiful birds!

2. The Pygmy Parrot is the smallest type of parrot. They are small and can grow up to about 3 inches in tall. They weigh about 0.4 ounces. They are tiny and beautiful birds.

3. A group of parrots are called a pandemonium or flock. Parrots are very social and live in groups. Sometimes they live in groups up to 1000 parrots depending on the species of parrot.

4. Parrots are omnivores which mean they eat plants and meat. Most Parrots eat fruit, nuts, seeds, flowers, plants, vegetables, and/or insects.

5. Wild parrots are found living in the warm areas of the Southern Hemisphere. They are also found in many other parts of the region such as Australia, Africa, South America, Northern Mexico, and Central America. Parrots originated from the Australian region!

6. African gray parrots can learn to say/mimic over a thousand different words. All parrots can learn to talk, but some parrots never talk.

7. Parrots find or make holes or burrows on the ground or in trees, sides of cliffs, and under rocks or any other safe place they can find to build their nests in.


Can you share a fact about parrots with us?

Get your free printable parrot coloring sheet here: 

Parrot coloring sheet

Books about parrots:

1. About Parrots: A Guide for Children by Cathryn Sill

2. Parrots For Kids Amazing Animal by Zahra Jazeel

3. The Truth About Parrots by Maxwell Eaton III

4. The Adventures of Mr. Macaw, Las Aventuras del Sr. Macaw by Leticia Ordaz

Parents/caretakers make sure books are child friendly before reading them to your child/children.




Thank you for reading my post!


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