Thursday, January 6

Facts about Starfish

Starfish Facts 

Don’t forget to take a moment and count all 

the blessings you have to be thankful for today!!


We are on letter Ss of the gratitude alphabet. 

S is for Starfish!  

What are you thankful for that begins with the letter S?

I'm thankful for starfish! Starfish are very unique sea creatures!! Starfish are also known as sea stars. Did you know there are about 2,000 species of starfish that have been found in the world? Starfish can be almost any color! The most common are purplish orange and brownish red.

Continue reading to find out more about starfish.


Facts about starfish:

1. Not all species of starfish have 5 arms, some can have up to 40!! If a starfish loses an arm it can regrow! They can even split their bodies in half to create a clone of themselves!

2. Did you know starfish have eyes? They can detect light and darkness with their eyes. Starfish are colorblind. Their eyes are located at the ends of each arm! So that means a 5-armed starfish has 5 eyes and a 40-armed starfish has 40 eyes!! That is a lot of eyes!!

3. Some starfish can weigh up to 11 pounds. The largest type of starfish is the Midgardia xandaros which can be up to 53 inches in diameter! The smallest starfish is the Parvulastra parvivipara which is usually only 1 cm in diameter! The rarest starfish is called the Sunflower Sea star! The Sunflower Sea star is very beautiful and resembles the sun and a sunflower.

4. The average lifespan of a starfish is 35 years.

5. Starfish aren’t actually fish, which is why scientists prefer to call them sea stars. Starfish are actually related to sand dollars and sea urchins.

6. Starfish don’t have a brain, a heart, or blood.

7. Starfish are carnivorous, they eat clams, mussels and oysters.

8. Starfish live in saltwater and can be found almost anywhere in the oceans.

Get your printable Starfish coloring worksheet here: 

S is for Starfish


Books about Starfish:

1. Everything You Should Know About Starfish Faster Learning Facts by Anne Richards

2. Shelby's Ocean Adventure by Jennifer A. Walbert

3. Starfish On The Beach by Tom and Lindy Schneider

4. Starfish (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science) by Edith Thatcher Hurd

Parents/caretakers be sure all books are child friendly before reading them to your child/children.



Thank you for reading my post!!


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