Sunday, October 24

Sharing with others


Sharing is an essential social skill children learn slowly through interactions with others. Children need to learn how to share so they will make friends and keep friends. Sharing teaches children how to compromise, and it also teaches them fairness. Always remember to share and take turns. Sharing is caring.

Why not share a book with your child/children today!!

Books about Sharing and Sunday:

1. The Boy Who Wouldn't Share by Mike Reiss

2. The Magic of Sharing by Ruben Lora

3. Share and Take Turns by Cheri Meiners

4. Surgery on Sunday by Kat Harrison

5. Sunday Sundaes by Coco Simon

6. Early Sunday Morning by Denene Millner

Parents, please make sure all books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.

Child-friendly pictures only!


Akita Facts

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