Thursday, April 7

Facts about California

California Facts 

Learn facts about California for kids.

Let's learn all about the states in the United States. I want to share the facts with you! I will be posting facts about each of the fifty states in the United States. The states will be done in alphabetical order! Last week we posted about Arkansas. This week we are posting facts about California. You will learn facts about California's state flag, bird, and many other state facts.

Did you know that California was the 31st state to join the union? Yep, that is right. California officially joined the union on September 9, 1850! California is located in the Western region of the United States. California is bordered by three (3) other states: Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. California is the third (3rd) largest state in the United States. There is about 39,538,220 people living in California. That is a lot of people!!


Share a fun fact about the state you reside in with us?


Facts about California:

1. A few things California is known for are its beautiful beaches, Hollywood, and surfing. The nickname for the state of California is: The Golden State. The California state motto is Eureka which means I have found it (gold). The abbreviation for California is CA.

2. The capital of California is Sacramento. Sacramento officially became the capital of California in 1854. Sacramento has a population of around 500,930 people.

3. The California state bird is the California quail. The California quail is a blackish gray brown with white streaks.

4. The California official state flower is the California poppy. The California poppy grows wild in some fields in California and turns the fields into beautiful golden colors. The California poppy is a bright orange yellow in coloring. The California poppy is beautiful!

5. The California state flag became the official flag on February 3, 1911. The California state flag features a grizzly bear which represents strength. One red star that symbolizes sovereignty/freedom. The single red stripe on the bottom of the flag stands for courage and the white color on the flag stands for purity.

6. Some crops that are grown in California are: almonds, avocados, grapes, garlic, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, and walnuts.

7. Some places to visit in California are: The California National Parks, Disneyland, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Hollywood.

8. Some of the animals that live in California are the California grizzly bears, cougars, coyotes, hawks, skunks, squirrels, and whales.

9. California can get very hot and very cold depending on the time of year. The hottest temperature ever recorded in California was 134 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley, California on July 10, 1913. The coldest temperature ever recorded in California was -45 degrees Fahrenheit (45 degrees below zero) in Boca, California on January 20, 1937.


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Get your free printable California worksheet here:

 California worksheet

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Books about California:

1. California by Lauren Newman

2. Welcome to California by Asa Gilland

3. C is for California: by Trish Madson

4. Good Night California by Adam Gamble

Parents/caretakers be sure books are child friendly before reading them to your child/children.

You can Click here to purchase the 50 states workbook on Amazon.

You can also utilize the 50 States tab at the top of my page to find all the 50 states post in one convenient place. 



Tune in next week to learn some cool facts about Colorado! Thank you for reading my post!! "Don't have a good day; have a GREAT day!" -Free Guy the movie.

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Mimi is the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series.

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