Friday, October 29

Facts about French Fries

French Fry Facts

Do you think that French Fries came from France?

First, let me tell you about facts and fiction!

A fact is something true, and you can prove that it is true.

Fiction is imaginary, and it can’t be proven accurate.

Now, let me tell you where French Fries came from! They originated in Belgium, a Country in Western Europe. History states that the people of Belgium have been frying potatoes since the late 1600s. The French Fries were originally called Pomme de Terre Frittes. They say the name French Fries was given to the Pomme de Terre Frittes by American Soldiers in Belgium during World War I. The soldiers named them French Fries because the Belgians who introduced them to the French Fries spoke French!


Facts about French Fries:

1. French Fries did not come from France.

2. French Fries are also called Chips or Fries, depending on what part of the world you are in.

3. There is a museum called Frietmuseum that is dedicated to French Fries in Belgium.

4. President Thomas Jefferson introduced Americans to French Fries.

5. July 13 is National French Fry Day!!

6. Thick-cut fries have less fat than thin-cut ones.


Books about French Fries and Fact or Fiction:

1. Chip and Curly by Cathy Breisacher

2. 5000 Amazing Facts by Parragon Books

3. Introducing French Fry Guy by Steve Rachwal

4. Chips or Fries? by Lisa Lewison


Thursday, October 28

Facts about Ice

Facts About Ice

We are on letter Ii of the Gratitude Alphabet! I is for ice!

I am thankful for the beauty of snow! It's fascinating that snow is formed by tiny ice crystals, intricately combining to create unique snowflakes. Each snowflake is a cluster of these ice crystals, and it's truly a marvel of nature. Playing in the snow, building snowmen, and having snowball fights are some of the joys of the winter season. However, dressing warmly to stay comfortable and safe when enjoying the snowy outdoors is essential.

I am grateful for ice because it is essential to our climate!

The ice in the Arctic region is of great significance to our planet and climate. Its primary function is to reflect sunlight, which helps regulate the Earth's temperature. This natural process essentially acts as the Earth's air conditioning system, showcasing the incredible mechanisms that contribute to stabilizing our planet's climate.

What are you grateful for that begins with the letter i?

Facts about ice:

1. Ice and snow are both solid forms of water, with ice being formed from the freezing of liquid water and snow being formed from the crystallization of water vapor in the atmosphere. Ice is dense and transparent, while snow is less dense and composed of individual ice crystals. Additionally, ice is formed under specific temperature conditions, whereas snow can be created in a variety of atmospheric conditions.

Wednesday, October 27

Facts about Panda Bears

Giant Panda Facts

Did you know that a Giant Panda Bear can eat over 30 pounds of bamboo a day? Yes, the Giant Panda Bears are very hungry. They occasionally eat other food sources, such as pumpkins, small rodents, and eggs. Do you know of any other food sources they can eat?

Giant Panda Bears are also known as Panda Bears.

Facts about Giant Panda Bears:

1. Panda Bears are almost entirely vegetarian. They are classified as herbivores.

2. Panda Bears spend up to 16 hours daily eating mainly bamboo.

3. Adult Panda Bears can weigh as much as 250 pounds!

4. Male Panda Bears are called boars. The female Panda Bears are called sows, and the baby Panda Bears are called cubs.

5. Panda Bear cubs weigh about 3 to 6 ounces! They are tiny! One stick of butter weighs 4 ounces.

6. Panda Bears originated from China.

7. Pandas have 5 fingers and an enlarged wrist bone that acts as a thumb on each paw.

8. Pandas do not hibernate.

9. Panda Bears can poop over 35 times a day!


Books about Panda Bears:

1. The Ultimate Panda Book for Kids: by Jenny Kellett

2. I Am a Little Panda: by Francois Crozat

3. Zoes Rescue Zoo The Playful Panda by Amelia Cobb

4. Little Panda by Julie Abery

Parents, be sure all books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.


Thank you for reading my post! "Don't have a good day; have a GREAT day!"—Free Guy, the movie.



Tuesday, October 26

Facts about Counties

County Facts

Who knows what the largest county in the United States is?

A. Los Angeles County

B. Mohave County

C. Nye County

D. San Bernardino County

If you know the answer to the trivia question, leave it in the comments


Do you know what a county is?

Facts about Counties:

1. A county is a particular area of a state or country. 

2. There are over 3,000 counties in the United States. 

3. James City in Virginia was the first county formed in the United States. 

4. The state of Texas has the most counties. 

5. Kalawao County, Hawaii, is the smallest county in the United States. 

6. The state with the fewest counties is Delaware. Delaware has only 3 counties.

 7. Louisiana has parishes instead of counties. 

Share a fact with us about counties?


Books about states:

1. The Everything Kids' States Book: by Brian Thornton

2. America's 50 States: by Flying Frog

3. The 50 States: Activity Book: by Gabrielle Balkan

4. Kids' Road Atlas by Rand McNally


Monday, October 25

Movie Night

Movie Night

What makes Monday Marvelous? In our house, Monday is movie night!! The kids get to pick out their favorite movie and watch it with us (parents/caretakers). It's a great time to bond and grow as a family. After the movie is over, ask your child to tell you about the movie and what they learned from it.

Have you seen a good movie lately? Please share your thoughts about it with us! Child-friendly movies only. All other movies will be deleted.

Here is a list of movies:

1. Paw Patrol: The Movie

2. Raya and the Last Dragon

3. The Addams Family

4. Happy Feet

5. Brave

6. Inside Out

7. The Nightmare Before Christmas

8. Toy Story

Parents, please ensure movies are child-friendly before watching them with your child/children.


Sunday, October 24

Sharing with others


Sharing is an essential social skill children learn slowly through interactions with others. Children need to learn how to share so they will make friends and keep friends. Sharing teaches children how to compromise, and it also teaches them fairness. Always remember to share and take turns. Sharing is caring.

Why not share a book with your child/children today!!

Books about Sharing and Sunday:

1. The Boy Who Wouldn't Share by Mike Reiss

2. The Magic of Sharing by Ruben Lora

3. Share and Take Turns by Cheri Meiners

4. Surgery on Sunday by Kat Harrison

5. Sunday Sundaes by Coco Simon

6. Early Sunday Morning by Denene Millner

Parents, please make sure all books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.

Child-friendly pictures only!

Saturday, October 23

Writing and Drawing

Drawing and Writing

Do you like to write? I love to write!! Writing is good for your soul! You can write down whatever you are feeling on paper, and it helps you deal with things in your life. So, go get that journal out and start writing! Write a story, a poem, or a biography! The possibilities are endless when you write. Write till the point on your pencil is gone!! Then sharpen it and write more or get a pen. Writing can take you on adventures you only dream of. Let your pencil be your guide! 

If writing is not your thing, you can use the pencil to draw your dream home, a magical land far away, or some fantastic cartoon characters. Whatever you choose to do with your pencil is entirely up to you! Just have fun and learn.

Friday, October 22

Halloween Books

Halloween Books

The spooky decorations are out, pumpkins are being carved, the air is getting chilly, and darkness is coming quicker! Halloween will be here soon! It’ll be time for trick-or-treating! Do you take your children trick-or-treating? 

What costumes are you and your little ones wearing this Halloween?  Will your costume be cute or scary? 

I plan to begin working on a Halloween book with Joey and Jinger about trick-or-treating fun and safety. 

Check out these cute Halloween books from Walmart:
1. The ABCs of HALLOWEEN: AN ALPHABET BOOK by Lydia Nichols
2. Where’s the Witch? by Ingela P. Arrhenius

Parents make sure books are child-friendly
before reading them to your child/children.


I have made a variety of printables for you. Check them out, they are free:

Join my Joey Saves The Day group on Facebook for giveaways, learning, and fun:

Follow me on Instagram:

Like and follow my author page:

Check out the books that I have written here:

Thursday, October 21

Facts about Hummingbirds

Facts about Hummingbird

We are on the letter Hh of the Gratitude Alphabet! H is for Hummingbird!

I'm thankful for Hummingbirds! There is nothing like sitting quietly in your backyard and watching the hummingbirds fly backward, sideways, and upside down! Hummingbirds can even hover in place! Hummingbirds are among the smallest birds in the world, especially the bee hummingbird. 

Continue reading to find out more about hummingbirds.

What are you thankful for that begins with the letter Hh?


10 Hummingbird Facts: 

Wednesday, October 20

Facts about the Human Alarm Clocks

Human Alarm Clock Facts 

Learning is good for the brain, and your brain loves to learn new things!! So, I want to share a weird but interesting fact from history with you today.

Have you ever heard of the Knocker-Ups?

In the 19th and early 20th century, in Britain and Ireland, alarm clocks were not cheap and unreliable. There was a profession known as the Knocker-Ups or Knocker-Uppers. The profession was to wake people up for their jobs so they could get to work on time. Yes, a job that pays a human to be an alarm clock. 

Usually, the job was performed by the elderly and sometimes constables. They would use heavy sticks to knock on their clients’ doors and long bamboo sticks to tap on upper windows. Some were known to have used dried pea shooters. Some would knock on doors or windows a few times and move on, and others would knock until they were sure the person was awake! The profession ceased by the early 1970s. What a weird but fantastic world we live in!! We sure have come a long way since then!! 

Now, we rely on alarm clocks on our cell phones or other electronic devices. You can choose from various sounds to set as the sound you want to be awakened to.

Books about alarm clocks:

1. The Noisy Clock Shop by Jean Berg

2. Maisy's First Clock: by Lucy Cousins

3. What's the Time, Clockodile? by Jonthan Litton

4. Clocks and More Clocks by Pat Hutchins

5. Telling Time: by Jules Older

6. Humble Math – 100 Days of Telling the Time by Humble Math

Parents, please be sure the books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.


Tuesday, October 19

Facts about the five senses!

Five Senses Facts

Name a food you absolutely love?

Did you know taste is one of the five senses?


The five human senses in ABC order:

1. Hear—Sound waves enter our ears and travel through our tiny ear canals, which lead to the eardrum.  

2. See- Light enters the eye through the cornea. That light passes through the cornea and hits the eye lens. The light moves to the retina, and the optic nerve transmits the visual information to the brain.

3. Smell—We inhale air that contains odor. That air binds to receptors inside our nose, and then the odor messages are sent to our brain.

4. Taste—When you eat, your saliva helps break down your food. The receptor cells located in your taste buds send messages to your brain through your sensory nerves.

5. Touch—Our skin is the biggest organ in our body, and every part has touch receptors. These receptors travel along the sensory nerves that connect to the spinal cord, and the signals are sent to the brain.

Here is a tasty recipe for salmon lovers. I hope it pleases your taste buds. Enjoy!!! 

If you have any allergies to any ingredients, please don’t eat them! Please get your parents' permission and guidance.

Salmon Burger Recipe:


4 tablespoons of olive oil; divided

8 cloves of garlic minced

1 onion diced small

3 6oz cans of skinless, boneless Pink Salmon, drained

6 tablespoons of Mayo

1 tablespoon of mustard

1/4 cup Italian breadcrumbs

2 slices of bread ripped into tiny pieces

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1/2 teaspoon of pepper

2 eggs


Get all your ingredients together. Mince the garlic and dice the onion. Fry the onion and garlic with 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large frying pan on medium-high heat for about 7 minutes or until golden brown, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and set aside. In a large bowl, put the drained salmon, mayo, mustard, salt, pepper, Italian breadcrumbs, ripped-up bread, 2 eggs, and the cooked onion and garlic; mix up well with your hands or a fork and form into 6 burgers. In the same pan that you cooked the onion and garlic in, add 2 more tablespoons of olive oil and let heat up. Add the 6 salmon burgers to the pan and cook on medium-high heat for about 8 to 10 minutes on each side or until the desired level of doneness is achieved; be sure not to burn them. Remove the burgers from the pan and set them on a plate with paper towels to drain excess oil off them. Serve on a multi-grain roll or bread of your choice with lettuce, pickles, cheese, mayo, mustard, ketchup, or whatever your heart desires.


Books about the five senses:

1. Look, Listen, Taste, Touch, and Smell: by Pamela Nettleton

2. My Five Senses by Aliki

3. Baby Loves the Five Senses: by Ruth Spiro

4. Our Amazing Senses by Jodi Wheeler-Toppen

5. Taste (The Five Senses Series) by Maria Rius

Parents, please be sure books are child-friendly before reading to your child/children.


Monday, October 18

Success and Kindness

Happy Mentor Monday!! 

May you find the keys to your success 

and a mentor to help you get there!

Does anyone need any help with anything? Do you need a mentor to help you achieve a goal? Do you just need to talk to someone about something but don’t know who to go to? Let’s all help each other out. Let’s engage and learn from each other!

Mentoring is for you if you have a special talent and love helping others. If you can share your wisdom with us or someone else, please do! Help someone out with the kindness of your heart!

I can mentor and give you ideas on writing and how to get a book published for anyone interested. I can also give you ideas on how to homeschool your child. I can also listen and be a shoulder to cry on if you need a friend.

Definition of mentor= "advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague)."-by Oxford Languages.

Definition of kindness= "the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate."-by Oxford Languages

Books on mentoring and kindness:

1. Spread Your Sunshine With Acts Of Kindness by Cheryl Shyne

2. Kindness Starts With You by Jacquelyn Stagg

3. Our Class is a Family by Shannon Olsen

4. Kindness Rocks by Sonica Ellis

5. Make the Most of Mentoring by Susan Colantuono

6. Mentoring My Elementary-and Middle-School Students by Todd Feltman

Parents, please ensure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.

Joey says to always help out when possible and be kind to others. There is nothing like the love of a friendship to get you through! 


Sunday, October 17



I am getting my first shipment of the second book in the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series on October 19th! It will be available on Amazon soon! The third book(The Missing Teddy Bear) in the series is in the works and will be ready by the end of February 2022! I'm so excited!!

In the book JOEY SAVES THE DAY! In The Missing Teddy Bear, Joey helps his sister Jinger find her missing teddy bear. She is unfortunate, and Joey tries to make her laugh while searching for the disappeared teddy bear! Come follow Joey on his adventures to save the day the Joey way!! You surely want to take advantage of this book! The characters Joey and Jinger are absolutely adorable!! You and your child/children will LOVE the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series.


I have made a variety of printables for you. Check them out, they are free:

Join my Joey Saves The Day group on Facebook for giveaways, learning, and fun:

Follow me on Instagram:

Like and follow my author page:

Check out the books that I have written here:

Feature your book on my website here:

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I'm Mimi, the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series. I love reading, writing, teaching, and learning. I homeschool my two youngest children. 

Saturday, October 16

Family time

Happy Saturday!! I hope your day was beautiful!

I spent the day shopping with two of my favorite people: Mom and Daughter. I love them dearly! I love GOD, my family, my friends, and you guys!! We shared some curly fries and steak fries at Eddie's! Remember to make and spend time with the ones you love. Make memories with them to cherish forever. If you can't spend time with them, call them and let them know that you love them!!

I will be working on writing some more in my books this evening! I hope your evening is filled with good times and many happy moments! Enjoy!!

What did you do today?

Friday, October 15

Fruits and Vitamins


May your day be happy and a little fruity!!

Who's up for a fruity adventure? Share your favorite fruit, and let's explore some new ones together!

Did you know that fruits are not just delicious, but also packed with essential minerals, vitamins, and fiber? They're a powerhouse of nutrition!

Here is a list of some fruits in ABC order with some of their nutrition information:

1. Apple- Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin K.

2. Avocado- Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin B6.

3. Banana- Copper, Manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C.

4. Cantaloupe- Calcium, Folic Acid, Iron, Vitamin K.

5. Grapes- Copper, Manganese, Thiamine, Vitamin C.

6. Oranges- Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C.

7. Strawberries- Ellagic Acid, Fiber, Folate, Vitamin C.

8. Watermelon- Amino Acids, Beta Carotene, Lutein, Lycopene.

Fruits are very healthy for you if eaten in moderation. Don’t forget to have your favorite fruit today!! Parents, cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces for your little ones when they are old enough to eat fruits.

Books about fruits:

1. Eating the Alphabet: by Lois Ehlert

2. Oliver's Fruit Salad by Vivian French

3. The Fruits We Eat by Gail Gibbons

4. Mrs. Peanuckle's Fruit Alphabet by Mrs. Peanuckle

Parents, please be sure the books are child-friendly before reading to your child/children.


I have made a variety of printables for you. Check them out, they are free:

Join my Joey Saves The Day group on Facebook for giveaways, learning, and fun:

Airedale Terrier Facts

  Facts About the Airedale Terrier All about the Airedale Terrier The Airedale Terrier, renowned as the "King of Terriers," boas...