Tuesday, November 30

Facts about Honey Bees

Honey Bee Facts

Who is ready for some trivia and learning? Which is not a type of Honey Bee found in a hive? (A.) Queen, (B.) Wasp, (C.) Drone, or (D.) Worker.

Continue reading to learn some facts about the honey bee!

Let me tell you a little about the hard-working Honey Bees! Did you know that the Honey Bee has five eyes and six legs? The two big eyes on the Honey Bee are called compound eyes, and they are on both sides of its head; the other three are called ocelli eyes, and they are in the center of the Honey Bee’s head. A Honey Bee has three body sections: The head, thorax, and abdomen. The thorax is a Honey Bee's midsection, with its six legs attached.


Facts about Honey Bees:

1. Honey Bees have two pairs of (4) wings. The wings are attached to the thorax. The two forewings are more significant than the two hindwings. Their wings are made out of a material called chitin. Honey Bees use their wings to cool the temperature down in the hives and, of course, for flying to collect pollen to make honey!

2. Honey Bees live in large groups called colonies. The colonies (hives) consist of three kinds of adult bees: drones, worker bees, and a queen bee. There are hundreds of drone bees. A drone bee is a male Honey Bee. The role of the drone bee is to mate with the queen bee. There are over 20,000 plus worker bees. The worker bees are female. The role of the worker bee is to take care of the young bees and the queen bee. They also clean and make the hive bigger. They hunt for food and bring it back to the hive. They make the honey. Worker bees work hard.

3. Drone bees are not capable of stinging. Some people are allergic to bees. Bees can sting you, so be careful when around them. It is best to only go near them if you know what you are doing. When a bee loses its stinger, it will die.

4. Bees can fly about 20 (MPH) miles per hour.

5. A Queen Bee can lay over 2,500 eggs per day. When the queen bee lays eggs, the Worker Bees choose about 15 to 20 fertilized eggs. The Worker Bees feed the larva royal jelly, and whichever larva matures the quickest will become a queen bee.

6. Worker Bees make honey by flying to hundreds of flowers daily to get nectar. They hold the nectar in their stomach, a honey sac. Worker bees have two stomachs, one for food and one for storing nectar until they return to their hive. They also have hairs on their hind legs (pollen basket) that allow them to carry pollen. When the worker bees return home, the pollen is used to feed the larva, and the rest is stored until used. The nectar is used to make the honey. The worker bees pass the nectar to the younger worker bees, who chew the nectar for a while, and then it is stored in the honeycomb, where it will become honey.

7. Bees are essential to humans because they pollinate our food crops. Pollination is where bees or other insects move pollen from one plant to another. The pollen fertilizes the plant, which can produce vegetables, fruits, and seeds because of pollination. Give a big thanks to the Honey Bees and other insects that move pollen from one plant to another.

8. over 18,000 species of bees worldwide, and over 3500 of them come from the United States.

Can you share a Honey Bee fact with us?


Books about Honey Bees:

1. The Way of the Hive: A Honey Bee's Story by Jay Hosler

2. The Life and Times of the Honeybee by Charles Micucci

3. Flight of the Honey Bee by Raymond Huber

4. The Secret Life of Bees: by Moira Butterfield

Parents ensure all books are child-friendly before reading them to their child/children.

Short story alert:

Once upon a time, this tiny little honey bee loved to fly high above the flowers. We will call her Swoopy! She would swoop down, land lightly on a beautiful flower, and get all covered in pollen. Once she is done collecting the pollen, she flies way up high and swoops down upon another flower. When Swoopy lands on the flowers, she gathers pollen. Some bees collect both pollen and nectar, but Swoopy just gathers pollen. Swoopy has to transfer pollen from one plant to another to reward the bees with nectar. Without pollen or bees like Swoopy, plants would be unable to reproduce. Bees like Swoopy are pollinators. Swoopy loves to carry pollen from plant to plant. It is her job to do so. She works very hard at what she does. Swoopy is a worker bee, and she gets the job done. When Swoopy has finished collecting enough pollen in her baskets on her hind legs, she flies back to her hive and unloads the little balls of pollen she has collected. The pollen will feed the bees in the hive. Swoopy and the other worker bees make many daily trips to flowers to collect pollen and nectar to feed the baby bees and themselves. THE END!  by Mimi Jones 

Monday, November 29

Facts about Magnifying Glass

The Magnifying Glass

Have you ever used a magnifying glass to look at stuff? A magnifying glass makes everything appear much more significant than what it is. Joey likes to look at ants with a magnifying glass. A magnifying glass is a lens with a handle so you can hold it in your hand and look through it to see the fine tiny details on stuff. A magnifying glass can make an object appear 2 to 3 times more significant. They have ones that can make objects as big as 5 to 10 times bigger. Roger Bacon invented the magnifying glass. The first time the magnifying glass was mentioned as being used was in 1268.

Facts about the magnifying glass:

1. A magnifying glass is a convex lens made of glass or plastic. Convex lenses are used in eyeglasses, telescopes, projectors, cameras, and microscopes. The human eye even has a convex lens. A convex lens is usually thinner at the edges and thicker in the center. It is used to bring distant light rays to focus in your eyes, helping make things appear more extensive and focused.

2. Magnifying glasses come in lots of different styles and sizes.

3. Magnifying glasses are used as vision aids. They help people see better.

4. A loupe is a small magnification device that allows you to see tiny details more closely. It magnifies things better than a magnifying glass.

5. Scientists use magnifying lenses to study tiny germs and insects, and people use magnifying lenses to study stamps and coins.

6. You can see a butterfly with a magnifying glass to see all its beautiful details.

You can help your child’s critical thinking and fine motor skills by letting them use a magnifying glass to see things they haven’t seen up close before, like a tiny ant or other small insects.


Can you share a fact about magnifying glasses with us?


Books about magnifying glasses:

1. I Use Science Tools by Kelli Hicks

2. Glasses by Rosa France

3. Our Eyes Can See by Jodi Wheeler-Toppen

4. Bugs Up Close: A Magnified Look by John Hallmen

Parents ensure books are child-friendly before reading them to their/children.


Friday, November 26

Facts about the Firefly

Firefly Facts

Fireflies are also known as lightning bugs! How many of you love the firefly and their magical lights? Seeing a field of fireflies lighting up the dark night is such a magical and mystifying sight. Did you know they are in the beetle family? There are over 1800 different types of lightning bugs. Fireflies use their light to communicate with other fireflies. The firefly gets the light on its abdomen from a chemical reaction caused by a compound called luciferin.

What is your favorite type of insect?


Facts about the Firefly:

1. The eggs from fireflies glow. The adult firefly lays its egg in moist soil near streams or ponds and under leaves or mulch.

2. Fireflies prefer hot, humid climates and can be found near open fields, outside of forests, and near water sources like ponds and lakes.

3. Fireflies can be found on almost every continent except Antarctica.

4. Not all species of the firefly glow.

5. Most fireflies come out during the hot, humid summer months from May to November, depending on the area they are in. One North American firefly species is active in the winter. It is called the winter firefly.

6. Adult fireflies eat water, nectar, pollen, or other fireflies. Firefly larvae eat worms, slugs, and snails. Some fireflies don’t eat at all due to their short life span.

7. Fireflies from different species glow in various colors, such as yellow, orange, green, and greenish-yellow. If you are lucky enough to live in Asheville, North Carolina, you can spot a rare firefly known as the Blue Ghost Firefly. However, you have to be quick; they only appear for two to four weeks in the summer. The Blue Ghost Firefly glows blue with white hues and can stay glowing for up to a minute.

8. Fireflies are beneficial to humans because scientists study their rare chemicals, luciferin and luciferase. The two rare chemicals are used in research on different diseases humans can have.


Can you share a fact about fireflies with us?


Books about fireflies:

1. Fireflies in the Night by Judy Hawes

2. Next Time You See a Firefly by Emily Morgan

3. It's a Firefly Night by Dianne Ochiltree

4. Fly, Firefly by Shana Keller

Parents ensure books are child-friendly before reading them to their/children.



Thursday, November 25

Facts about the moon

Facts About the Moon

We are on the letter Mm of the gratitude alphabet! M is for Moon.


I am thankful for the Moon! The gravitational forces between the Earth, the moon, and the sun combine to create the phenomenon known as tides in the ocean. The gravitational pull of the moon is the primary driver of these tides. As the moon orbits the Earth, its gravitational force causes the water in the oceans to bulge out towards it, creating high tides. At the same time, on the opposite side of the Earth, another high tide is formed due to the centrifugal force. This interaction results in the rhythmic rise and fall of the ocean's surface, known as high and low tides.

Facts about the Moon:

1. The gravitational force of the Earth, which is the result of its mass, holds the moon in a stable orbit around it. This force keeps the moon from drifting away into space and is responsible for the celestial body's consistent position relative to the Earth.

Wednesday, November 24

Facts about Sloths

Sloth Facts

Sloths are very slow when they move, but they are super cute!! Did you know that without the Extinct Giant Ground Sloth, we would not have avocados today? Yep, that is correct!! If you love avocados, we owe thanks to the extinct Ground Giant Sloths. They were one of a few mammals that could swallow a whole avocado, and the seed would come out in their waste. They would leave seeds wherever they traveled, and those seeds would turn into beautiful avocado trees. How cool is that?

What is your favorite type of animal?

Facts about sloths:

1. Sloths may be slow, but they sure are strong! Sloths are about 3 times as strong as an average human. Sloths have potent arms!

2. Sloths are primarily nocturnal. They have very poor vision and can only see in black and white, which means they are color blind. They can’t see anything at all in bright lights and can barely see anything in dim lights.

3. Sloths spend most of their time in trees. Sometimes, they take a break from the trees and go for a swim. Sloths can move faster in the water than they can on land. They can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes underwater. Sloths are super incredible mammals.

4. Sloths have four stomachs and a large four-chamber stomach. It can take a sloth up to 1 month to digest a meal. Sloths have the slowest digestion time of any mammal.

5. Sloths live, on average, about 20 years in the wild and up to 50 years in captivity.

6. Sloths are classified as herbivores, but they have been known to eat bird eggs, lizards, fruits, and insects on occasion. Their main diet consists of leaves, twigs, flowers, and buds.

7. Sloths live in the rainforests of Central and South America.

8. There are six species of sloths, and they are divided into two groups: the two-toed and three-toed sloth.


Can you share a fact about sloths with us?


Books about sloths:

1. Sensory Seeking Sloth: by Jennifer Jones

2. Sloths (Nature's Children) by Josh Gregory

3. A Little Book of Sloth by Lucy Cooke

4. Sloan the Sloth Loves Being Different: by Misty Black

Parents ensure books are child-friendly before reading them to their/children.

Tuesday, November 23

Facts about Kangaroo

Kangaroo Facts

Did you know that Kangaroos have strong hind legs and jump almost everywhere they go? Their tail acts as a fifth leg to help them jump higher. They can also walk on all four feet if they have to, but they prefer to hop!

Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?  Leave a comment with your answer.


Facts about kangaroos:

1. Kangaroos are often referred to as roos. A female kangaroo is called a flyer, doe, or Jill. A male kangaroo is called a boomer, buck, or Jack. A baby kangaroo is called a Joey! A group of kangaroos is called a mob or a troop.

2. Kangaroos can swim, but they can’t walk backward.

3. There are four species of kangaroos; the Antilopine kangaroo (Macropus antilopinus), the Eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), the Red kangaroo (Macropus rufus), and the Western grey kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus).

4. Most kangaroos are herbivores. They eat plants, flowers, grasses, moss, and some insects.

5. Kangaroos can cover up to 25 feet or more in one leap and jump straight up to 6 feet high.

6. Kangaroos can weigh up to 200 pounds and be as tall as 7 feet. Kangaroos are the world’s largest marsupials. The Red kangaroo is the largest of the different types of kangaroo.

7. Kangaroos live in Australia and New Guinea.

8. Kangaroos can live up to 10 years in the wild and 25 years in captivity.


Can you share a fact about kangaroos with us?  


Books about kangaroos:

1. Kangaroos (Amazing Animals) by Kate Riggs

2. Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too? by Eric Carle

3. Jump, Kangaroo, Jump! (MathStart 3) by Stuart Murphy

4. Kangaroos for Kids by Judith Lehne

5. Never Touch a Kangaroo! by Stuart Lynch

6. Kylie Kangaroo's Karate Kickers by Barbara deRubertis

Parents, be sure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.


Monday, November 22

Facts about mice

Mice Facts

Today is a great day to learn! Learning is good for the brain; you are never too old to learn new things! Keep your brain healthy and learn something new every day!

Today, I'm going to tell you a little about mice. Some people have mice as pets. Mice are fascinating little creatures but can also be pesky little critters. Winter is approaching fast, and mice try to find warm places to live. Mice can squeeze through tiny holes or other openings in your home by flattening out their bodies. Mice have a collapsible ribcage, which makes their ribs flex much more than any other mammal, and that is how they can fit through tiny holes and other small openings.

Mice are adorable, but I don’t like sharing a home with them!! Do you like mice?


Facts about mice:

1. Mice have poor eyesight, but once they learn to maneuver through an area, they never forget it.

2. Mice have excellent hearing and a perfect sense of smell.

3. Mice communicate by squeaking, chirping, and singing to other mice. They also use their noses, ears, and bodies to communicate.

4. Mice are excellent climbers who jump up to 12 inches or more!

5. Mice are nocturnal critters. They do not like bright lights.

6. Mice are omnivores. They eat plants and other animals.

7. Mice love to chew and gnaw on stuff because their teeth never stop growing. To prevent their teeth from growing too long, they grind their teeth on tough foods and chew and gnaw on other stuff.

8. Mice have good memories. They can remember their way in and out of homes and their family.


Can you share a fact about mice with us?


Books about mice:

1. Pet Mice - Your Pet Mouse Happy Care Guide by Ben Little

2. The Kitten Who Thought He Was a Mouse by Miriam Norton

3. The Mouse in the House by Dori Bush

4. National Geographic Readers: Squeak! by Rose Davidson

Parents make sure books are child-friendly before reading them to their/children.



Friday, November 19

Facts about Pink Flamingos

Pink Flamingo Facts

What do you know about the fascinating Pink Flamingos? Do you know why Flamingos are different shades of pink, red, or orange? Their coloring all depends on their location and the food they eat. They are born a dull white or gray color and turn pink because of what they eat. Their diet includes algae, small insects, plants, plankton, shrimps, and tiny crustaceans. Their pink coloring comes from the beta-carotene in the food they eat.


What is your favorite type of bird?


Facts about Pink Flamingos:

1. There are six species of flamingos. The six species include the Greater Flamingo, the Chilean Flamingo, the Lesser Flamingo, the Andean Flamingo, the Puna (James’s) Flamingo, and the Caribbean (American) Flamingo. Four of the Flamingo species are found throughout the Americas and the Caribbeans, and the other two are native to Europe, Asia, and Africa.  

2. Pink Flamingos can weigh up to 8 pounds and get up to 5 feet tall.

3. Pink Flamingos live in large shallow lakes and lagoons. They build their nests out of mud along the waterways.

4. Flamingos sleep with their heads on their backs and standing on one leg. They can sleep standing up or lying down.

5. Pink Flamingos eat with their heads upside down. They place their heads in the water upside down and sweep their bills side to side until they get food.

6. A group/flock of Flamingos is called a flamboyant. A baby Flamingo is called a hatchling, chick, or chicklet. Adult Flamingos are referred to as male or female Flamingos.

7. A Pink Flamingo can live up to 30 years in the wild and up to 50 years in captivity.

8. Flamingos can fly up to 370 miles a night at a speed of up to 37 miles per hour! They fly primarily at night to avoid predators.


Can you share a fact about Pink Flamingos with us?

Check out my YouTube video about flamingos:

Facts about Pink Flamingos


Books about Pink Flamingos:

1. Flamingos by Victoria Blakemore

2. Flamingo Activity Book for Kids: by Activity Slayer

3. Facts About the Flamingo by Lisa Strattin

4. Flora and the Flamingo by Molly Idle

6. Sylvie: The Colorful Flamingo by Jennifer Sattler

Thursday, November 18

Facts About Leaves

Leaf Facts

We are on the letter Ll of the gratitude alphabet! L is for leaf.

What are you thankful that begins with the letter L?

I deeply appreciate the presence of leaves and the vital role they play in our ecosystem. One of the most enchanting sights for me is witnessing the transformation of leaves into stunning fall colors and seeing them gracefully descend to the ground. It's fascinating to think about how leaves provide essential nourishment and aid in the process of photosynthesis, contributing to the health and well-being of plants. Surprisingly, I recently learned that it's actually beneficial to mulch the leaves rather than rake them up. Allowing them to decompose and integrate into the soil is not only beneficial for the environment but also for the overall soil health. Additionally, the fact that leaves play a crucial role in the production of the oxygen we breathe further emphasizes their significance to both our well-being and the environment.

Do you love to jump into big piles of leaves? 

Facts about leaves:

1. Leaves are the most essential part of the plant. Their primary function is to provide food for the plant, which is done by photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, chlorophyll, and water to make food.

Wednesday, November 17

Facts about the Rainbow Eucalyptus tree

Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree Facts

Have you ever heard of the Rainbow Eucalyptus Trees? I just found out they existed last night. They are wonderful. 

Rainbow Eucalyptus trees grow mainly in New Guinea, the Southeast Asian islands, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The Rainbow Eucalyptus tree thrives best in tropical forests with a lot of rain. You can also find Rainbow Eucalyptus trees in Hawaii, Florida, Texas, and southern portions of California, where the climate is frost-free. They can grow up to 200 feet tall, and the tree trunk can reach a diameter of up to 8 feet wide!! That is tall and wide!!


Facts about the Rainbow Eucalyptus tree:

1. The Rainbow Eucalyptus tree is also known as the Mindanao gum tree and the Bagras Eucalyptus.

2. The wood from the trees is commonly used for making paper and building supplies.

3. The Rainbow Eucalyptus tree will not grow in cold climates.

4. The Rainbow Eucalyptus tree can grow about 3 feet yearly.

5. Koala Bears love eating the fragrant leaves from the tree.

6. When the beautiful, colorful Rainbow Eucalyptus sheds its bark, it looks similar to a colored pencil being sharpened. As it sheds its bark, it first reveals a green bark, and over time, it ages into many different colors, such as shades of blue, orange, purple, reds, yellows, and brown.

7. Rainbow Eucalyptus trees are sometimes planted in areas with many swampy regions to help keep the mosquitos and other insects away.

8. The spear-shaped leaves on a Rainbow Eucalyptus tree can be as long as 6 inches and up to 4 inches wide. The tree also grows clusters of small white flowers.

With your parent/caretaker's permission, google the Rainbow Eucalyptus tree and see how beautifully designed these trees are!! 


What is your favorite kind of tree?


Books about Rainbows and trees:

1. One Day in the Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Tree by Daniel Bernstrom

2. The Rainbow Tree by Leon Shargel

3. Trees, Leaves & Bark by Diane Burns

4. The Legend of the Singing Rainbow Gum Tree by Taryn Klanot

5. The Hidden Rainbow by Christie Matheson

6. A Tree Is a Plant by Clyde Bulla

Parents, be sure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.


Check my other blog posts for more educational topics.

Tuesday, November 16

Facts about the ocean

Ocean Facts

Do you like Trivia and learning? Learning is good for you, and trivia is fun!!

Do you know what the largest ocean in the world is?

Did you know that there is only one ocean? The Global Ocean is a vast, continuous body of salt water. The Global Ocean is divided into five basins/oceans: The Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern Oceans. The Ocean covers more than 70% of the earth’s surface. Did you know that only about 5% of the world’s oceans have been explored because of how vast our ocean is?


Facts about the oceans:

1. There are volcanoes and mountains on the ocean floor.

2. The most giant animal in the ocean is the Blue Whale.

3. The Mid Ocean Ridge is the largest chain of underwater mountains.

4. Scientists estimate that at least 50% to 70% of Earth's oxygen production is from the ocean.

5. Over 220,000 different species of living creatures live in the ocean, and millions more have yet to be discovered or studied.

6. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the five oceans, while the Pacific Ocean is the biggest.

7. The ocean is so deep that, in many places, light can’t reach the bottom. The sea is always in motion.

8. The Great Barrier Reef is one of the largest structures on Earth. It is located in the Coral Sea, which is in the Pacific Ocean. It is one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the Earth. It is the world’s largest coral reef system. It is located off the coast of Queensland, Australia.

9. The ocean has about 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waste. Please don’t litter or pollute on the beaches. Help keep them clean for our future generation!


Can you share a fact about oceans with us?


Books about the oceans:

1. Explore Earth's Five Oceans by Bobbie Kalman

2. Ocean Anatomy: by Julia Rothman

3. The Fascinating Ocean Book for Kids: by Bethanie Hestermann

4. All the Way to the Ocean by Joel Harper

Parents ensure books are child-friendly before reading them to their child/children.


Check out my free printable coloring pages and worksheets! Easter printables are now available!!


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Monday, November 15

Basic operations of Addition

May your day be filled with no problems, but if there is a problem, may you find the solution!


There are four basic operations of arithmetic: 

  • addition 
  • subtraction 
  • multiplication 
  • division

Addition is adding two or more numbers together to find the total sum of the numbers. 

Friday, November 12

Facts about Fire Safety

Fire Safety Facts 

Let me share some fire safety tips and a little history about firefighters!!  

The first evidence of firefighting equipment dates back to a portable water pump in ancient Egypt. The first organized fire service that we know of began over 2000 years ago in Rome under the rule of Augustus Caesar. Benjamin Franklin created the first volunteer fire company, known as the Union Fire Company, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1736. Now, we have fire stations everywhere, thanks to our ancestors. Firefighters work hard and risk their lives daily to protect us from the dangers of fire. Fires are dangerous and can be deadly. Never ever play with fire, matches, or lighters.


Fire safety rules:

1. Ensure you have smoke detectors on every level of your home. Ensure a smoke detector is in every bedroom and right outside sleeping areas. You can put smoke detectors in the living room, family room, dining room, hallway, basement, and attic. Do not put detectors near windows, fans, or sliding glass doors.

2. Test smoke detectors monthly to ensure they are correctly working!

3. Create and discuss a fire escape plan with all family members. Practice the plan at least twice a year. Practice ways to get out if a fire occurs in your home. Include in your fire escape plan a meeting spot outside of your home in a safe area where all members of the household can meet.

4. If there is a fire in your home, GET OUT and STAY OUT. If your house is filled with smoke (poisonous), GET DOWN LOW and CRAWL outside! When you are outside in a safe area away from the fire, call 911 for help.

There are more fire safety rules all over the internet. Please Google them and share them with your child/children.


Can you share a fire safety tip with us?


Books about fire safety:

1. Plan and Prepare! (Fire Safety) by Charles Ghigna

2. Firefighters Help (Our Community Helpers) by Dee Ready

3. Stop, Drop, and Roll! (Fire Safety) by Charles Ghigna

4. Let's Meet a Firefighter by Gina Bellisario

Parents, please be sure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.


Thursday, November 11

Facts about kites

Facts About Kites

First, I want to say a big thank you to all the Veterans out there. Thank you for your service, your sacrifices, and your freedom!


Today, we are on the letter Kk of the Gratitude Alphabet! 

K is for Kite!

What are you Grateful for that begins with the letter K?

I am thankful for kites! Kites are entertaining and captivating when flown in a vast open field amidst a gentle breeze. It is fascinating to note that the invention of kites dates back to the 5th century B.C., attributed to Chinese philosophers Mozi and Lu Ban. Initially serving military purposes, the Chinese military utilized kites for communication, cartography, wind assessment, and a myriad of other functions. Their versatile applications highlight the ingenuity and resourcefulness of ancient Chinese civilization.


Facts about kites:

1. In ancient China, kites were constructed using a bamboo framework and covered with silk. This ancient craft required skillful construction and showcased the elegant use of traditional materials.

Wednesday, November 10

Facts about Wolves

Wolf Facts

Let me share a little information about wolves with you! Did you know that wolves are the most prominent members of the dog family? Wolves vary in size depending on the type of wolf. Their height from nose-to-tail can be up to 6 feet long. They can weigh as much as 170 pounds. There are about 37 different types of wolves. Gray wolves are the largest of the wolves.


Facts about wolves:

1. Wolves communicate with other wolves by using their eyes, ears, tails, and facial expressions. They also bark, growl, howl, and whimper.

2. Adult wolves have 42 teeth.

3. Wolves behave like families in a group called pacts. The pact usually consists of one female adult wolf and one male adult wolf and their offspring of different ages.

4. The family/pact of wolves live in a den when the pups are born. Baby wolves are called pups. The pups weigh about 1 pound at birth. Wolf pups are usually born in the spring. All family members of the pact help care for the pups.

5. The Arabian gray wolf is the most minor type of all the different types of wolves.

6. Wolves can run, on average, about 38 miles per hour for short bursts.

7. Wolves' paws are large and have a small layer of webbing between their toes, which means they can swim quite well and walk on snow without sinking. Wolves have four toes on their back feet and five on their front feet. The fifth toe on the front foot is known as the dewclaw; not all wolves have dewclaws.

8. Wolves are carnivores, which means they eat mostly meat. They will eat vegetables but only rarely.

What is your favorite kind of wolf or dog?


Books and movies about wolves:

1. Wolves Of North America by Speedy Publishing LLC

2. Watch Wolf by Kathryn Lasky

3. Wolves by Gail Gibbons

4. Den of Wolves by Jordan Quinn

5. The Legend of Wolf Mountain (DVD)

6. Peter and the Wolf (DVD)

7. Balto (DVD)

8. Alpha & Omega (DVD)

Parents, please make sure books and movies are child-friendly before reading or watching them with your child/children.



I hope you enjoyed learning about wolves.

Tuesday, November 9

Facts about Teeth

Teeth Facts

Did you know babies are born with 20 teeth already developed in their jaw? They just take a little while to erupt through the gum line. Babies will, on average, get their first tooth around four to six months of age. Some will get their first tooth sooner, and some will get it later! Some babies are born with teeth, also known as natal teeth, already in their mouth. Your baby teeth start to fall out on average between the ages of 5 and 7; by the time you are 13, you should have lost all your baby teeth. All baby teeth are replaced by adult teeth. By the time you reach adulthood, you will have 32 teeth. It is essential to keep your teeth brushed! Brush them at least twice a day!! Brushing your teeth helps to remove plaque from your teeth! Plaque is a sticky film that is formed on your teeth, and if it isn’t removed, it will turn into tarter, which can damage your teeth if not taken care of properly. Be sure to see your dentist at least twice yearly for cleanings so your teeth can stay healthy.


Facts about teeth:

1. No two people have teeth that are exactly alike! Your teeth are unique, just like your fingerprints.

2. Tooth enamel is the hardest part of your body. It is even stronger than your bones! It is made of calcium and phosphate mineral crystals!

3. Your teeth are used to cut, tear, and chew your food.

4. Humans only have two sets of teeth; adult teeth and baby teeth! Teeth can’t repair themselves. So, take good care of your adult teeth when you get them!

5. There are five types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, molars, and third molars. Teeth on the upper jaw are referred to as maxillary, and teeth on the bottom jaw are referred to as mandibular.

6. In 1780, The first mass-produced toothbrush was invented by William Addis of England.

7. You will spend about 38 days brushing your teeth during your lifetime.

8. Don’t skip flossing! If you don’t floss your teeth, you may miss about 40% of the tooth's surface. So, floss all your teeth regularly.  

Can you share a fact about teeth with us? 


Books about teeth:

1. The Tooth Book: by Edward Miller

2. All about Teeth by Mari Schuh

3. Tooth Fairy Trouble by Marty Kelley

4. Why We Go to the Dentist by Rosalyn Clark

5. Daniel Goes to the Dentist by Alexandra Schwartz

6. Going to the Dentist by Anne Civardi

Parents, please ensure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.

Here is a link to my YouTube Video about brushing your teeth and the song: Click here

Here is a song you can sing while brushing your teeth!

Brush, brush, brush your teeth!

Brush them every day!

Tartar, plaque, and stains must be brushed away.


Brush, brush, brush your teeth!

Brush them at least twice a day!

Tartar, plaque, and stains must be brushed away.


Brush, brush, brush your teeth!

Brush 'em here and brush 'em there!

Brush them every day!

Tartar, plaque, and stains must be brushed away.


And don’t forget to floss!


Floss, floss, floss your teeth!

Floss them every day!

Tartar, plaque, and stains must be brushed and flossed away.

 By Mimi Jones 05/26/2022

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